


Club Night/

Social Play

New Members

The Club

Welfare & Safeguarding



Social events

League Tennis


Team Fixtures


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Abington Lawn Tennis Club

   Park Avenue South, Northampton , NN3 3AA

There are various ALTC Club WhatsApp groups which keep members informed of last minute decisions (e.g. about the weather) and are also an opportunity for setting up individual tennis sessions. Please contact Tim on 01604 706405 if you would like to join one of the groups.


MONDAY League matches.---  General play on one court.

TUESDAY Main Club Night 5.15pm ---- General play for all.

WEDNESDAY Reserve Club Night if the weather is bad on Tuesday.

THURSDAY League matches.---  General play on one court.

FRIDAY League matches.---  General play on one court.

SATURDAY In May, Back to Tennis sessions 12.30pm - 2pm (club members welcome as well)

SATURDAY General club play from 2pm.  Potential new members are very welcome to drop in any Saturday. Visitors can play twice for free then £5 per session.

SUNDAY   Three courts are free for club social play.

Please check the League Match Table for Home matches. Note that rearranged matches may be scheduled on spare match evenings and very occasionally on weekend mornings. Matches will not be played on the main club evening Tuesday. There may be some matches on Thursday evenings or potentially weekend afternoons but not until after 4.30 pm. Check the Club notice board for re-scheduled matches

General information

Important- In the interest of security please ensure that the gates are locked on leaving the club.

Please wear non-ridged shoes appropriate for tennis which will not damage the grass courts.

If you bring a visitor please make sure they are recorded in the Visitors Book and that the fee is obtained

League matches only use two courts so there is usually a spare court on match nights for general club play or for internal competition matches. It is advisable to book these courts via the calendar on the club notice board.


Check the notice board for details of entries and match times. Lists will be on the notice board at the beginning of May